Education Recruitment Articles

Education recruitment has been like the Wild West for too long. Here’s our take on the trends shaping the industry.

  • Schools and Academies Show Teacher Retention Teacher Recruitment

The Retention Crisis – Nine things we learned at the Schools and Academies Show 2019

2019-05-16T15:40:18+00:00Education Recruitment, Flexible Working, School Jobs, Teachers, Teaching and Education Jobs|

The Retention Crisis is seldom spoken about, especially compared to its more prominent twin, The Recruitment Crisis. Nonetheless, the figures associated with Retention Crisis are deeply unsettling. Eager to understand the story behind these figures and the optimal response strategies, we were fortunate enough to attend an eclectic smattering of talks on the subject at the [...]

  • Teacher Recruitment Teacher Retention Education Jobs

The Government Recruitment and Retention Strategy for Teachers: Seven Key Observations

2019-05-16T15:40:19+00:00Education Recruitment, Flexible Working, School Jobs, Schools, Teachers, Teaching and Education Jobs|

Introduction The DfE’s long-awaited ‘Recruitment and Retention Strategy’ was released today and, as you might expect, there is plenty to discuss and dissect. Broadly, we echo the enthusiasm of other pundits and industry leaders. The Recruitment and Retention Strategy (RRS) is bold, well-informed and could rewrite the fundamentals of how the teaching workforce is organised. [...]

  • Supply Teacher Teaching Agencies Education Recruitment Agencies

How to save a lot of money on long-term agency staff – and pay teachers more

2019-07-17T14:05:38+00:00Education Recruitment, Local Authority Supply Pools, School Funding, School Jobs, Schools, Supply Teacher Agencies, Supply Teacher Pay, Teaching and Education Jobs|

The Challenge Many schools use agency staff on a long-term basis. In fact, some agency staff can work in schools for years and still be 'on the agency's books'. This incurs a massive accumulation of cost that's crippling school budgets and hurting teachers – but it's been the price of having off-payroll staff for [...]

  • Supply Teaching Agencies Education Recruitment

Labour Party call for an alternative to education recruitment agencies. Teacher Booker is that alternative.

2024-02-02T14:42:15+00:00Education Recruitment, Local Authority Supply Pools, School Funding, School Jobs, Supply Teacher Agencies, Supply Teacher Pay, Teaching and Education Jobs|

"At a time when our schools have to ask parents to give extra money for books and classroom essentials, it’s crazy we’re spending half a billion pounds a year just on agency fees. That money should be spent on teachers and the badly needed resources our children need to get a world class education"  [...]

  • Education Recruitment Education Retention Teacher Mental Health

5 Ways Schools can Improve Staff Recruitment and Retention through making Teachers’ Wellbeing a Priority

2021-07-15T11:22:13+00:00Education Recruitment, School Jobs, Teacher Stress, Teaching and Education Jobs, Wellbeing|

With stress levels thoroughly tested throughout the COVID-19 pandemic, and 35% of teachers recently reporting they would “definitely” not be in education by 2026, schools need to prioritise maximising teachers’ wellbeing now more than ever. We look at what school leaders can do to turn the tide on this challenging outlook. Back in 1930, economist [...]

  • Teacher Stress Teacher Mental Health Teacher Retention Teacher Recruitment

An Educator for All Seasons: Are we expecting too much from our teachers?

2019-05-16T15:40:20+00:00CPD, Education Recruitment, School Jobs, Teacher Stress, Teachers, Teaching and Education Jobs|

Part way through writing this week's chapter of our anthology on teacher stress, I came across a  post on the Derby University blog that expressed all I had in mind - except with more insight and erudition than I can quite manage. So with their permission, we have a guest post from Dr Sarah Charles and [...]

Breaking the Silence on Behaviour Management – The Real Reason for Teacher Stress

2021-07-15T12:06:04+00:00Behaviour Management, CPD, Education Recruitment, NQTs, School Jobs, Schools, Teacher Stress, Teaching and Education Jobs|

Pre-pandemic, every time stress in teaching came up in the press, the same claims about causes were fired off: Workload – rigorous marking policies, the relentless need to document all decisions, differentiating for all learners in planning as well as endless data entry Correspondingly long working hours, much of which is unpaid Greatly increased top-down [...]

You don’t know what you’ve got till it’s gone – Retaining teachers as a solution to the Recruitment Crisis

2019-05-16T15:40:20+00:00Education Recruitment, Local Authority Supply Pools, School Jobs, Schools, Senior Leadership, Supply Teachers, Teachers, Teaching and Education Jobs|

With both pupil numbers and demand for teachers set to rise in the near future, it will become increasingly important for school leaders not just to recruit, but to retain good staff. New models for better retention are required. The number of teachers joining the profession has roughly counterbalanced the number leaving it in recent [...]

Teacher Toolkit, We Stand With You.

2019-05-14T16:13:00+00:00Education Recruitment, Local Authority Supply Pools, School Jobs, Schools, Supply Teacher Agencies, Supply Teachers|

Over the weekend I was delighted to spy this brave blog post on Teacher Toolkit, the UK’s most followed education blog. Titled ‘Why Supply Agencies are the new ‘Del Boys’’, it is as forthright as it is faithful to the facts in summarising the current state of play in how agencies and schools interact. Numerous issues in this dynamic [...]