School Vacancies

How can your school get great applicants for its vacancies quickly, economically, and without compromising on quality? Here are some ideas we’ve learned from schools with great recruitment and retention strategies.

  • School leaders must find their strategic direction amidst uncertainty

How to lead your school through uncertainty this school year

2021-07-14T10:29:47+00:00Coronavirus, Education Recruitment, Flexible Working, Local Authority Supply Pools, School Jobs, School Vacancies, Senior Leadership, Strategy, Teacher Recruitment, Teachers, Wellbeing|

The coming school year is shaping up to be one of the most unusual in living memory. As yet there is little guarantee that the usual form and structure of the school year will be in place -- prudent school leaders will now be preparing for the unexpected, and ensuring plans are in place [...]

  • Strategic leadership means seeing change as opportunity

Strategic Leadership for Schools: Maintaining Safe Staffing Levels through Workforce Management and Talent Planning

2020-08-27T14:25:02+00:00Coronavirus, Education Recruitment, School Jobs, School Vacancies, Schools, Senior Leadership, Strategy, Teacher Recruitment, Teachers|

School leaders have spent enormous time and energy over the last 6 months ensuring robust plans are in place to support the wider opening of schools in September. As we look towards the coming term, it’s clear that maintaining appropriate staffing levels will be critical to both pupil and staff safety and ongoing provision [...]

  • Teacher Vacancies

What the coronavirus pandemic will mean for school recruitment this year

2021-06-04T12:16:34+00:00Coronavirus, Education Recruitment, School Jobs, School Vacancies, Supply Teachers, Teachers, Teaching and Education Jobs|

Since March the education sector, like many others, has faced a once in a generation challenge due to the coronavirus pandemic. Whilst schools have done a fantastic job in tackling the situation head on, we can anticipate that a new set of challenges, particularly around recruitment and workforce, will emerge when the school year [...]