• Teacher in a School

Reforming the Treatment and Engagement of Temporary Workers in Schools

2022-02-22T11:40:20+00:00Education Recruitment, Flexible Working, Local Authority Supply Pools, School Funding, Schools, Senior Leadership, Strategy, Supply Teacher Agencies, Supply Teacher Pay, Supply Teachers, Teacher Recruitment|

Schools across the UK have been facing a severe short term staffing shortage this winter. So much so that the DfE even launched a brief campaign to encourage former teachers back into the classroom, on a supply basis, to support continued in-person provision. But it hasn’t been enough to ensure continuity of provision across [...]

  • Paul Mundy Castle

The Biggest Challenge in Recruiting Staff as a Secondary School Head Teacher

2022-03-22T10:25:27+00:00Education Recruitment, Flexible Working, Schools, Senior Leadership, Strategy, Teacher Recruitment, Teachers, Teaching, Teaching and Education Jobs|

In this insightful guest blog, inspirational Head Teacher and Educational Consultant Paul Mundy-Castle shares his views on how to create a welcoming and supportive environment for new recruits in your school. The most important component of any school, I believe, is the staff body -- especially the teachers, who play such a pivotal role [...]

  • School leaders must find their strategic direction amidst uncertainty

How to lead your school through uncertainty this school year

2021-07-14T10:29:47+00:00Coronavirus, Education Recruitment, Flexible Working, Local Authority Supply Pools, School Jobs, School Vacancies, Senior Leadership, Strategy, Teacher Recruitment, Teachers, Wellbeing|

The coming school year is shaping up to be one of the most unusual in living memory. As yet there is little guarantee that the usual form and structure of the school year will be in place -- prudent school leaders will now be preparing for the unexpected, and ensuring plans are in place [...]

  • Strategic leadership means seeing change as opportunity

Strategic Leadership for Schools: Maintaining Safe Staffing Levels through Workforce Management and Talent Planning

2020-08-27T14:25:02+00:00Coronavirus, Education Recruitment, School Jobs, School Vacancies, Schools, Senior Leadership, Strategy, Teacher Recruitment, Teachers|

School leaders have spent enormous time and energy over the last 6 months ensuring robust plans are in place to support the wider opening of schools in September. As we look towards the coming term, it’s clear that maintaining appropriate staffing levels will be critical to both pupil and staff safety and ongoing provision [...]

  • Part time Teacher jobs Education Recruitment Agency Teacher Jobs

Flexible Working for Teachers – what we learned from LKMco, WomenEd, Flexible Teacher Talent and other experts.

2024-02-02T14:41:03+00:00Flexible Working, Local Authority Supply Pools, School Jobs, Schools, Senior Leadership, Teaching and Education Jobs, Uncategorized|

When it comes to hosting events, LKMco are known for two things: exciting salons of solutions-oriented thinking and stellar spreads of food and drink. Last night’s event, titled “Flexible Working: How can we take the force out of the teacher workforce?” was no exception. Teacher Booker were delighted to attend and participate in a wide-ranging [...]

You don’t know what you’ve got till it’s gone – Retaining teachers as a solution to the Recruitment Crisis

2019-05-16T15:40:20+00:00Education Recruitment, Local Authority Supply Pools, School Jobs, Schools, Senior Leadership, Supply Teachers, Teachers, Teaching and Education Jobs|

With both pupil numbers and demand for teachers set to rise in the near future, it will become increasingly important for school leaders not just to recruit, but to retain good staff. New models for better retention are required. The number of teachers joining the profession has roughly counterbalanced the number leaving it in recent [...]

Tom Bennett’s 6 Tips for How SLT Can Support Supply Staff

2019-05-14T16:13:00+00:00Behaviour Management, School Jobs, Schools, Senior Leadership, Supply Teachers|

A great spectre haunts teaching - the spectre of challenging behaviour. It's a terribly powerful force, leaving many terrified of their own classrooms and spooking many out of the profession entirely. Yet many insist the problem is trivial and that proper lesson planning and arbitrary CPD can ward against it. Some disagree and believe [...]