When in Brum: How ResearchED is Changing Teaching

2018-04-16T16:09:05+00:00CPD, Educational Research, Schools|

Let me start with a confession: for the past few years, I’ve felt like something of a fraud. In spite of my open endorsement of teachers becoming better informed about educational research, I’d never attended a ResearchED event. Sandbagged with shame I decided enough was enough and made the pilgrimage up north to Birmingham for [...]

Breaking the Silence on Behaviour Management – The Real Reason for Teacher Stress

2021-07-15T12:06:04+00:00Behaviour Management, CPD, Education Recruitment, NQTs, School Jobs, Schools, Teacher Stress, Teaching and Education Jobs|

Pre-pandemic, every time stress in teaching came up in the press, the same claims about causes were fired off: Workload – rigorous marking policies, the relentless need to document all decisions, differentiating for all learners in planning as well as endless data entry Correspondingly long working hours, much of which is unpaid Greatly increased top-down [...]

You don’t know what you’ve got till it’s gone – Retaining teachers as a solution to the Recruitment Crisis

2019-05-16T15:40:20+00:00Education Recruitment, Local Authority Supply Pools, School Jobs, Schools, Senior Leadership, Supply Teachers, Teachers, Teaching and Education Jobs|

With both pupil numbers and demand for teachers set to rise in the near future, it will become increasingly important for school leaders not just to recruit, but to retain good staff. New models for better retention are required. The number of teachers joining the profession has roughly counterbalanced the number leaving it in recent [...]

Should Schools Ban End Of Term Videos?

2018-04-16T16:38:57+00:00Schools, Teachers, Teaching|

Teachers always know when its close to Christmas. Even if they’ve somehow managed to avoid being carpet-bombed with seasonal adverts, they can sense the change in air pressure around school. The machine is slowly grinding to a halt, ready to power down for the holidays. In such a climate of school plays, Christmas jumper [...]

Teacher Toolkit, We Stand With You.

2019-05-14T16:13:00+00:00Education Recruitment, Local Authority Supply Pools, School Jobs, Schools, Supply Teacher Agencies, Supply Teachers|

Over the weekend I was delighted to spy this brave blog post on Teacher Toolkit, the UK’s most followed education blog. Titled ‘Why Supply Agencies are the new ‘Del Boys’’, it is as forthright as it is faithful to the facts in summarising the current state of play in how agencies and schools interact. Numerous issues in this dynamic [...]

Tom Bennett’s 6 Tips for How SLT Can Support Supply Staff

2019-05-14T16:13:00+00:00Behaviour Management, School Jobs, Schools, Senior Leadership, Supply Teachers|

A great spectre haunts teaching - the spectre of challenging behaviour. It's a terribly powerful force, leaving many terrified of their own classrooms and spooking many out of the profession entirely. Yet many insist the problem is trivial and that proper lesson planning and arbitrary CPD can ward against it. Some disagree and believe [...]

MATs Summit 2017 – Collaborate, Innovate, Accelerate

2019-05-14T16:13:00+00:00Education Recruitment, School Jobs, Schools, Teaching|

Teacher Booker were pleased to attend the recent 2017 MATs Summit, and delighted at the overwhelmingly positive response to our vision and approach to changing the landscape of educational recruitment. Marooned by a placid lake in the Cotswolds, the 200 strong delegation featured MAT CEOs, business managers and head teachers alongside industry experts from [...]

Want to understand Teacher Recruitment? Speak to Professor John Howson

2019-05-14T16:13:59+00:00School Jobs, Schools, Supply Teacher Agencies, Teachers|

The recruitment crisis looms large over the whole profession of teaching. Most simply bemoan the situation; others choose to do something about it. Professor John Howson is probably the sagest example of an individual working to understand and reverse this current crisis. In an illustrious career spanning 40 years, Howson has played many parts. [...]

EdTech – Probing beyond the Portmanteau

2019-05-14T16:13:59+00:00Education Recruitment, School Jobs, Schools, Supply Teacher Agencies, Supply Teachers|

  Technology is a divisive subject among teachers. Some are ardent acolytes, fully persuaded of its ability to change the educational landscape, introducing students to new experiences and dissolving the orthodox approach to schooling that remains dominant in Anglo-American schools. Others are deeply sceptical, sensing a fad in full flow – tech will never [...]