• School leaders must find their strategic direction amidst uncertainty

How to lead your school through uncertainty this school year

2021-07-14T10:29:47+00:00Coronavirus, Education Recruitment, Flexible Working, Local Authority Supply Pools, School Jobs, School Vacancies, Senior Leadership, Strategy, Teacher Recruitment, Teachers, Wellbeing|

The coming school year is shaping up to be one of the most unusual in living memory. As yet there is little guarantee that the usual form and structure of the school year will be in place -- prudent school leaders will now be preparing for the unexpected, and ensuring plans are in place [...]

  • Education Recruitment Education Retention Teacher Mental Health

5 Ways Schools can Improve Staff Recruitment and Retention through making Teachers’ Wellbeing a Priority

2021-07-15T11:22:13+00:00Education Recruitment, School Jobs, Teacher Stress, Teaching and Education Jobs, Wellbeing|

With stress levels thoroughly tested throughout the COVID-19 pandemic, and 35% of teachers recently reporting they would “definitely” not be in education by 2026, schools need to prioritise maximising teachers’ wellbeing now more than ever. We look at what school leaders can do to turn the tide on this challenging outlook. Back in 1930, economist [...]