It’s time to


The education staffing landscape is in crisis. But together, we can unlock positive change.

Are you a MAT CEO/CFO looking to see how much agencies are charging you to manage your supply?

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Image of Five Classrooms

It’s time to


Image of Five Classrooms

The education staffing landscape is in crisis. But together, we can unlock positive change.

Are you a MAT CEO/CFO looking to see how much agencies are charging you to manage your supply?

Click Here

Why do we need to #FixSupplyTeaching?

The education staffing landscape is encountering a critical challenge.

Teachers and support staff are exiting the profession at an alarming rate, with the repercussions felt acutely in day-to-day school operations. Immediate and thoughtful action is required to ensure that careers in education—for teachers, support staff, administrative staff and leadership—are viable, secure, and fulfilling.

That’s why we’re rallying educators, school leaders, and educational organisations across the UK to unite under the banner of #FixSupplyTeaching.

In addressing the UK’s supply teaching crisis, Scotland’s distinct approach offers valuable insights. Unlike other regions, Scotland bypasses the use of agencies altogether, opting instead for direct connections between schools and supply teachers. This model highlights a potential pathway to a more sustainable, agency-free solution—paving the way for innovative, technology-driven answers to these challenges.

Why do we need to #FixSupplyTeaching?

The education staffing landscape is encountering a critical challenge.

Teachers and support staff are exiting the profession at an alarming rate, with the repercussions felt acutely in day-to-day school operations. Immediate and thoughtful action is required to ensure that careers in education—for teachers, support staff, administrative staff and leadership—are viable, secure, and fulfilling.

That’s why we’re rallying educators, school leaders, and educational organisations across the UK to unite under the banner of #FixSupplyTeaching.

In addressing the UK’s supply teaching crisis, Scotland’s distinct approach offers valuable insights. Unlike other regions, Scotland bypasses the use of agencies altogether, opting instead for direct connections between schools and supply teachers. This model highlights a potential pathway to a more sustainable, agency-free solution—paving the way for innovative, technology-driven answers to these challenges.

Is There A Solution?

Teacher Booker is a tech start-up that set out with a mission to fix supply teaching by connecting schools directly with supply staff using cutting edge technology.

Icon of Schools and MATs in the UK

Over 1200 schools across England and Scotland log in to Teacher Booker and book local supply teachers and support staff every day, with no fees.

Welsh Government Logo

The Welsh Government have procured Teacher Booker to launch the National Supply Pool for Wales and ensure fair and transparent opportunities for all supply staff across the country.

An image showing the INMAT supply pool on a laptop and tablet

In areas without LA run supply services, we partner with MATs to establish MAT-led Supply Pools, providing Academies with direct access to reliable supply staff.

Your Supply Pool is a private, on-call pool for your part-time staff, former staff, known supply staff, trainees and anyone else who could provide cover at any location across your organisation.

It helps you retain talent in your network and quickly fill your organisation’s temporary vacancies with staff you already know.

Understanding the Numbers

The issue of supply spend can seem like a daunting problem to try to tackle when taken all at once. So let’s break it down to something more manageable.

For the full list of Trusts’ spend, click here

An icon of a piggybank saving money

Understanding the Numbers

The issue of supply spend can seem like a daunting problem to try to tackle when taken all at once. So let’s break it down to something more manageable.

For the full list of Trusts’ spend, click here

Interested in Learning More?

Interested in a tailored analysis of how centralising supply can benefit your trust? Fill out the form below, and we will provide you with a detailed report designed to meet your specific needs.

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Interested in Learning More?

Interested in a tailored analysis of how centralising supply can benefit your trust? Fill out the form below, and we will provide you with a detailed report designed to meet your specific needs.

Get Your Report Now

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